Recently Published First Aid Articles

How to perform CPR Infants
How CPR is performed on Infants

July 7, 2021

CPR Resources

See how to perform CPR on an infant (under 12 months old) by following this guide. You can also go to other guides on CPR for children (1-8 years), adults and older children (over 8 years), and CPR during pregnancy. If you’re in an emergency, call 000.

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How to perform CPR Children
How CPR is performed on a child

July 7, 2021

CPR Resources

Find out how to perform CPR on a child (1-8 years old) by following this guide. You can also go to specific guides on CPR for adults and older children (over 8 years), on infants, and during pregnancy. If you’re in an emergency, call 000.

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Lady giving service man CPR
Electrical safety tips for renovators and tradies

March 27, 2019


The following safety tips will provide a good reference to best practices for Australian renovators, tradies, and electricians.

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Bushwalking safety article header
Bushwalking Safety Tips

August 11, 2019


Lovers of trekking and backpacking come from North America as well as ramblers from the UK, drawn to the gorgeous coastal wilderness and outback of our wide brown land.

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Asthma Triggers
First Aid for Asthma

February 9, 2021

Allergy and Asthma

An Asthma Plan identifies the plan owner's triggers and recommends appropriate actions to take should an asthma attack follow. Some, but not all, triggers can be managed. For these unmanageable asthma triggers, an Asthma Plan can be a life saver.

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Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion cover
Heat Exhaustion First Aid

October 24, 2021

Seasonal Concerns

First aid treatment for heat exhaustion is a critical intervention. Heat exhaustion is a precursor to the more serious, life-threatening type of heat-induced illness. First aid includes cooling the casualty with fans and ice water.

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Shark Management Program
Safer Swimming with Shark-spotting Drones

November 17, 2021


Shark-spotting drones will again operate during the summer of 2021/22, following successful trials in 2017/18 and 2018/19. Surfing NSW will also gain another 20 or so drones to add to the fleet of shark-spotting drones already delivered by Surf Life Saving NSW.

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Heart attack in men
Signs & Symptoms of Heart Attack in Men

November 18, 2021


Men are more likely than women to have a heart attack, as well as more likely than women to have a heart attack earlier in life. Symptoms can vary from person to person. Do not ignore early symptoms. Even when you’re not sure, seek emergency care right away.

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Heart attack in women
Signs & Symptoms of Heart Attack in Women

November 18, 2021


The most common symptom for heart attack in women is chest pain (angina) or discomfort. Women are more likely than men to experience other common symptoms, in particular shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, back pain or jaw pain. If you experience any symptom of heart attack, even when you’re not sure, seek emergency care immediately.

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Types of heart disease
Types of Heart Disease

November 19, 2021


Heart disease includes dangerous ischaemic conditions, such as <i>atherosclerosis</i>, as well as relatively easy to manage diseases, such as <i>arrhythmias</i>. Aside from congenital conditions, heart diseases can result from lifestyle choices or from drugs used in treating disease or used unadvisedly.

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Bone Break
Broken bones happen to everyone, say the averages

November 19, 2021


Broken bones will happen to everybody over the course of a lifetime, say the averages. Prime time for breaking bones is childhood — especially between the ages of 11 and 15 years. As many as 50% of boys, and up to 40% of girls, break or fracture broken bones.

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Worker in hazmat suit protected against biological hazards in the workplace
Managing common workplace hazards

February 10, 2020

General Health-Related

It is the employers’ obligation to satisfy the legal requirements of workplace health and safety. In this article, we’ll look at effective approaches to managing some of the more common workplace hazards.

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